Carat Weight 克拉重量
The electronic scale can accurately measure the weight of diamonds and other gem stones.
Carat is the unit of weight by which a diamond is measured. One carat is equal to 100 points or 0.2 gram; 142 carats is equal to one ounce. Among the four Cs, weight is probably the most objective standard as it can be accurately measured.
一般來說,我們都慣常以「卡」作為鑽石的重量單位。「卡」就是克拉(Carat)。常說的一「卡」 有一百份,即1 ct = 100份 = 0.2 gram(公克),而142 ct 則相當於 1 Oz (盎斯)。在4C中,重量可說是最客觀的標準,可以準確地秤量。