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GIA 美國寶石學院

多數鑽飾的內部都刻有鑽石的淨重。 The net weight of diamond is usually engraved within the jewellery
The net weight of diamond is usually engraved within the jewellery

The standard created by the Gemological Institute of America (GIA)

"Four Cs" are always mentioned in the conversations about diamonds. Not everyone is familiar with what exactly the four Cs are. The four Cs have gradually been developed to grade and categorise diamonds.

Thousands of years ago, Indians created a simple diamond grading method. Until the early 17th century, the western jewellers improved on the method and developed a more sophisticated system in grading the value of a diamond. The four Cs standard created by the GIA was recognised worldwide and adopted by the diamond industry. It grades and categorises diamonds by: carat weight, colours, clarity, and cut.



數千年前,印度人創出一套簡單的鑽石分級方法。直至十七世紀初,西方的鑽石專家將方法改良,發展出一套更精確的價值釐定系統。而受全球公認及行內大多數人採用的,就是由GIA(美國寶石學院)依4C:克拉重量(Carat Weight)成色(Colour)淨度(Clarity)切磨(Cut)而訂下的分級標準。